Tips To Get Pregnant

By ketchupthelatest - December 11, 2014

I have a few couple friends who have been wanting to have children of their own. For some, it took only a few months of waiting while the others are still on fertility work-up for years already. 

Many of them who are trying to conceive often wonder when is the best time to seek help from a fertility specialist. Couples are often eager to visit a fertility specialist before they have taken matters into their own hands and tried their best to boost their own fertility. 

Taking charge of your health and your body is key to fertility and all couples should try to do what they can to boost their fertility on their own. 

There are many simple things that you can do to improve fertility in a natural way say the experts at For example, women who are overweight can see their fertility improve by losing as little as five to ten pounds. Men who have fertility issues can see improvements if they stop smoking and drinking. Reducing stress and getting enough sleep are both key to fertility, along with eating healthy and exercising. 

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  1. Aww, I can totally relate with this post. I, however, have a more complicated case of autoimmune disease so it makes maintaining my pregnancy more difficult. If you have friends who have lost their pregnancies, tell them that they could be tested for APAS ( Knowledge is better than undergoing miscarriages (I had two). Wish I had known earlier.
