The Long Term Solution: Renewable Energy

By ketchupthelatest - August 15, 2019

the long term solution would be to utilize renewable sources of energy
                                                                         (photo credit: 

Did you guys know that the Philippines is a country that relies heavily on importing energy from foreign sources? Despite this fact, the country still faces an energy crisis. In some parts of the archipelago, 12- hour power outages aren’t so uncommon. Now, you may ask, what would be the solution for this? The answer is renewable energy.

The nation is very energy-hungry, and the number one energy resource that satiates this
thirst are fossil fuels. A recent statistic states that the Philippines depends on fossil fuels for over
73% of its energy needs. And as the country’s population continues to grow, so will its demand for energy. If the nation continues to rely on non-renewable sources of energy, there will eventually be a point wherein these sources will run dry. Since fossil fuels take millions of years to come into existence, it is impractical to rely on them forever. Fossil fuels also contain high amounts of carbon and are the leading cause of global warming.

However, as of recent times, another statistic states that the Philippines relies on 30% of
its energy generation on renewable energy. Since the nation is near the equator, it is
understandable that we would be utilizing and harvesting solar energy. Solar energy, in many
ways, is the complete opposite of fossil fuels. It is renewable, which means that we cannot run
out of solar energy for as long as the sun is alive. According to NASA ( National Aeronautics and Space Administration ), the sun is expected to live for another 6.5 million years. Solar energy is also abundant. The US Department of Energy states that in a single hour, the power we receive from the sun is more than the whole world uses in a year. If an energy source is both renewable and abundant, then it is also sustainable. In other words, if we cannot over-consume a resource, then it is considered to be sustainable.

For inspiration, we can look to one of the world’s leading innovators when it comes to
harnessing renewable sources of energy; Iceland. The country of Iceland obtains 100% of its
electricity and heat from renewable sources. Iceland is a highly volcanic nation with 26 high-
temperature geothermal fields; hence, the majority of its energy production comes from
geothermal sources. It is estimated that exploiting geothermal energy for space heating alone
saves Iceland $100 million in imported fossil fuels.

According to the International Geothermal Association (IGA), worldwide, the Philippines
ranks second to the United States. However, geothermal energy provides only 16% of the
country’s electricity. The nation has a long way to go before truly being 100% reliant on
renewable sources of energy.

As discussed above, the long term solution to solving the Philippine’s energy problems
would be to utilize renewable sources of energy. The country should capitalize on its geographic
location, which makes it the perfect place to harvest energy sources such as solar energy and
geothermal energy. If the nation continues to be reliant on fossil fuels, then it will only be a
matter of time before those resources run out.

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